martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

3 ½ Hours of Paintball + BBQ

Day of Paintball + BBQ Dinner

Day of Paintball + BBQ Dinner

LivingSocial Adventures • Santa Clarita, CA

Sure, Silverlake is stocked with hipsters and Venice is a veritable buffet of drum circles and beach bums, but you're looking to add a little color to your regular scene. Strap on your camo gear for a no-holds-barred Adventure in colorful combat with an afternoon of paintball followed by a... read more

Adventure Kit

Semi-Automatic Paintball Gun Rental
500 Paintballs
Unlimited Air Tank Refills
Safety Battle Mask and Chest Vest Protector
Post-Paintball BBQ Meal
Adventures Staff to Guide You

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Regular price: $110

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Yoga + Wine in Malibu

LivingSocial Adventures • Malibu, CA

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